This is a calculator to convert Litre Degrees per Kilogram (LDK or l°/kg) to Points per Pound per Gallon (PPG). These numbers are used to predict the amount of extract (sugar) from the malt when constructing recipes. Note that Gallons are US Gallons, not Imperial Gallons.
Usage of LDK and PPG
- Litre Degrees Per Kilogram (LDK or l°/kg) represents the gravity points contributed from one kilogram of malt in one litre of water. This is primarily used in the UK by brewers and malt suppliers.
- Points Per Pound per Gallon (PPG) represents the gravity points contributed by one Pound of malt in one US Gallon of water. This is most often used by brewers in the US and many online tables and calculators will use PPG.
- Elsewhere, a percent system based on weight is used. See the Original Gravity (OG) Calculator for more details about extract.